Corporate Reskilling Course Details
At Corporate Reskilling, we hold startup meetings to motivate participants so that they can actively engage with their learning.
The CEO will explain the background to the introduction and the benefits of learning about AI to increase motivation.
After that, we will conduct video training, practical training, and finally a follow-up meeting to develop your company's future roadmap for utilizing AI.

Startup Meeting
Understanding the work, aligning goals and objectives, and motivating

Generative AI Tool Briefing
Introducing the latest AI tools
Basic usage, functions, and management

Learning Management Support
Learning management for completing video content and workshops
Submit reports on students' test scores and attendance status

Interim and final training reports
Report progress in improving work efficiency to the company while taking the training
Upon completion, we will report on the training effectiveness and internal promotion guidelines.

Follow-up meeting
Support for formulating a roadmap for internal business reform
Formulation of an internal AI utilization plan

Regular usage meeting (once a month)
Substitute support for existing tasks → generation AI tasks
Business Use and Establishment Support Meeting

Chat Support
Prompt creation and usage consultation
Consulting on daily work efficiency

Online salon (social gathering)
Case studies of other companies and the latest AI usage methods
User Community
Yuki Terada, who is active in many fields, talksThe potential of the next generation web
Venture actress/MC
Yuki Terada
Born on April 21, 1989, in Osaka Prefecture.
Graduated from Meiji University's Faculty of Literature, Department of Theater Studies.
After making her debut in the entertainment industry in 2004, she ended her exclusive contract with a talent agency in 2012 and became independent.
In January 2023, he will graduate from his position as assistant MC on the Horiemon Channel, a position he held for about 10 years, and currently serves as MC on the men's fashion channel BRCHANNEL Fashion College and Audemars Piguet's Watch Talk.
In 2020, his first book, "The Power of Confrontation," sold over 18,000 copies, and he is currently active in a wide range of fields, including publishing his second book, "How to Speak to Change Yourself."
"ChatGPT" is gaining momentum.
These days, it feels like not a day goes by without hearing the words "generative AI" or "ChatGPT."
In fact, we are now hearing stories of companies and individuals alike about how the introduction of generative AI has improved productivity.
However, compared to other countries, the current situation is that the introduction of generative AI in Japan is not progressing as well as it should.
"If things continue like this, the gap in economic and technological power between us and other countries will widen."
"Whether or not we can master generative AI could determine the future."
I often meet with industry leaders, and they all make the same plea.
I had no idea that the current situation in Japan was so serious. I am scared of facing the future without taking any action.
The key to creating a better future seems to be "the introduction of appropriate generative AI tools and the development of human resources who can use them effectively."
Digirise not only helps with everything from education to tool implementation, but also provides low-cost support through grants and subsidies.
For those who don't know how to implement it and those who want to learn more about generative AI.
If you're going to consult someone, it's reassuring to choose a service led by a leader in the industry.
Rather than being afraid of the threat of generative AI, I think we should acquire the ability to coexist with it in a healthy way.